Different ways to transfer files from PC to Raspberry PI or vice-versa.

Let’s explore different ways to transfer the files between PC and Raspberry Pi with examples.

1) Using scp

– If ssh/scp is enabled on Raspberry Pi. Ping Pi board IP and see if it is reachable.

ping <pi-ip>
ex: ping

– Copy from PC to Raspberry Pi

  • Open the terminal on the PC and run the below command
scp <file-name on PC>   pi@<raspberry-pi-ip>:<directory where you want to copy on pi>

The password is "raspberry"

ex: scp file.txt   pi@

– Copy from Raspberry Pi to PC

  • Open the terminal on the PC and run the below command
scp pi@< file-name on raspberry-pi with full path>   <directory where you want to copy on PC>

The password is "raspberry"

ex: scp pi@   /home/user/ek/doc/

– Copy a directory from PC to Pi and vice-versa

  • Use scp command with ‘-r’ option to transfer the directory.
scp -r <directory on PC>   pi@<raspberry-pi-ip>:<directory where you want to copy on pi>
scp -r file/    pi@

scp -r pi@< directory-name on raspberry-pi with full path>   <directory where you want to copy on PC>
scp -r pi@   /home/user/ek/doc/
2) Using GUI

– If vnc interface is enabled on Raspberry Pi.

– Download any VNC viewer application on the PC. In the below example, Realvnc viewer is shown. Download from here.

– Enter Raspberry Pi IP in the GUI and press enter.

– enter username: pi, enter password: raspberry

Raspberry Pi to PC file transfer using vnc viewer

– There is an option for file transfer. Use it and transfer a file from PC to Pi and Vice-versa.

– In the above example, RealVNC is used. You can use any VNC viewer and give it a try.

– Some VNC also supports simple copy-paste shortcuts to transfer files between remote target(Raspberry Pi) and PC.

3) Using USB

– Insert USB Pen driver in PC. Inserted in ubuntu system in this example. You can use Windows or Mac OS also. The drive name is ek here.

– Copy file from PC to USB pen drive.

– Insert USB to the Raspberry PI.

– Go to the directory /media/pi/<usb_name>.

  • <usb_name> is the same which is shown in the PC when USB is inserted. <usb_name> is ek in our case.

– use cp command to copy from USB to the Raspberry Pi board or vice-versa.

– copy from USB to Pi

  • cp /media/pi/<usb_name> <directory of Pi where you want to copy>
  • Use sudo cp if permission is denied as shown below image.

– copy from Pi to USB

  • cp <file of Pi which you want to copy> /media/pi/<usb_name>
  • Use sudo cp if permission is denied as shown in the below image.

– In the below example image, led.c is copied from Pi to USB. Same way you can copy from USB to Pi as well.

– Now again insert a USB Pen drive into the PC. Copied file(led.c) in the USB can be seen.

Raspberry pi to PC file transfer using USB

4) Using FTP/SFTP

– FTP is the file transfer protocol. click here to get FTP manual page or run “man ftp” command in the terminal.

– SFTP is the secure file transfer protocol. click here to get the SFTP manual page or run “man sftp” command in the terminal.

– There are many FTP/SFTP tools available. Download any FTP/SFTP tools.

– Filezilla open-source software is used in our example.

– Download FileZilla for Mac OS, Windows, or Linux from the Filezilla official website.

– Open Filezilla, and Enter the hostname as Pi IP( in this example).

– Username: pi, Password: raspberry, Port: 22 for sftp, 21 for FTP.

– There will be two windows shown. Drag and drop files that need to be transferred.

Raspberry pi to PC file transfer.

– There are also ways to transfer files using the FTP command line.

– Need to configure FTP in PC and Pi then use FTP commands.

Note: This article covers a couple of ways to transfer files from Raspberry PI to PC and vice-versa. If you have any additional ideas then please mail us at info@embeddedkernel.com. Your idea will be listed here. TIA.

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