What is ls and pwd command in Linux?
- ls – list directory contents
- list the content of the directory.
- for the manual page click here or run “man ls” in the terminal.
- pwd – print name of current/working directory
- for the manual page click here or run “man pwd” in the terminal.
vim/vi editor commands.
- vim test.c //
- creates a file with a name test.c and opens it in vim/vi editor if the file doesn’t present with the same name, if a file with name test.c is present already then shows its contents in vi editor
- vim then press ‘i’ key.
- enter in insert mode, press ESC to come outside of insert mode
/* commands outside insert mode */
open vi the press below keys.
- w
- advance to the next word
- e
- advance to the end of the word
- e
- move to the previous word
- yy
- copy line, press p to paste it
- nyy
- copy n lines after the cursor
- dd
- delete the line, and press p to paste the deleted line
- ndd
- deletes n lines after cursor
- u
- undo last
- U
- undo all changes to the current line
- o
- add a new line below the cursor line
- O
- add a new line above the cursor line
- /word
- move to the occurrence of “word”, to search next occurrence press n
- :w
- save changes
- :w [new]
- save changes to a new file named “new”
- :wq
- save and quit
- :q
- quit
- :q!
- quit without saving the changes
- click here to find more information about vim.
objdump command
- objdump – display information from object files
- click here to see the manual page or run man objdump on the terminal.
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